
more than just excellent coffee.



Academy Coffee ATL serves up… well… some really tasty drinks tbh.

Academy Coffee ATL is a space where excellently crafted espresso, and teas are just the start. We at Academy are constantly pushing the boundaries of our palates. Referencing flavors from all over the world, we create beautiful specialty beverages that innovate and elevate the experience of a traditional coffee shop menu. Utilizing culinary and mixology techniques, our work goes beyond that of your standard coffee shop offerings.

As a Multi-Roaster shop, we source coffee from the very best coffee roasters stateside and abroad. Our commitment to the quality of product and service goes far beyond a simple well-made beverage. We are always tasting, re-tasting, and improving on what we find to be exemplary coffee practices. Having worked with dozens of roasters throughout our careers, we are passionate about expanding your reach into the coffee industry.

We believe in the approachability and accessibility of coffee across all aspects of our community. Our commitment to this belief is realized in many ways. One of the most important things we do to practice this belief, is the open sharing of information. We believe that transparency in the coffee industry is a way that we all grow together. No question is too big or too small for us to tackle. We want to be your inside source to all of the secrets of the coffee industry.


Contact me




1019 Virginia Avenue NE Atlanta, Georgia 30306





Brandywine Coffee Roasters - Wilmington, DE

Know Where Coffee - Medellin, Colombia


Connan Moody

I am Connan Moody, I grew up here in Atlanta before moving to study Graphic and Industrial Design at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. My first coffee job was making Chemex pour-overs for an architecture and investment firm in Atlanta. Soon after I was working all over New York City at cafes serving some of the best roasters in the states. Having the opportunity to work in near every position in high volume coffee shops, I gained an intimate knowledge of the mechanics of a well run business.

Having a background in both coffee and cocktails, I craft specialty beverages using ingredients and methods that unite mixology and barista work. This results in truly unique flavor pairings that create a new experience in coffee. During my time in NYC I was asked to participate in the Stumptown Strange Brews competition where I took first place.


Multi-Roaster Program

As with everything, we set out to discover and develop excellence in our brand here at Academy. Our multi-roaster program started as a way to explore and showcase the greatest roasters in the world. At a time when Atlanta was just starting in its specialty coffee roasting scene, we felt that it was important to give people a coffee program that allowed them to play and explore with different coffee processes and roasting expressions. Our program highlights at least one domestic and one international roaster per rotation. To make sure that we are being responsible in our relationships with our roasting partners, we designed a rotation of 4-6 months. This allows us to make a larger financial impact with our roasting partners and gives us the opportunity to get super intimate with the coffees they provide. Below is a list of the roasters we have worked with.

3fe - Dublin, Ireland

April Coffee - Copenhagen, Denmark

Black & White Coffee - Raleigh, NC, USA

Blanchard’s Coffee - Richmond, VA, USA

Brandywine Coffee - Wilmington, DE, USA

Dark Arts Coffee - London, England

Friedhats Coffee Roasters - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Firelight Coffee - Atlanta, GA, USA

Flow Coffee - Atlanta, GA, USA

George Howell Coffee - Boston, MA, USA

ILSE - North Canaan, CT, USA

JBC Coffee Roasters - Madison, WI, USA

KWC Coffee - Medellin, Colombia

Little Waves Coffee - Durham, NC, USA

Metric - Chicago, IL, USA

Onyx Coffee - Rogers, AR, USA

Parlor Coffee - Brooklyn, NY, USA

September Coffee - Ottowa, Canada

Sorellina Coffee - Edmonton, AB, CAN

Verve Coffee - Santa Cruz, CA, USA